Yesterday, she stayed dry during her really long nap, but had another accident later in the evening. We took her for a walk and when we were almost back to our house she told me she need to "go poo poo" so I rushed her inside to go potty. The only problem was she saw her friend from next door outside on the way in and on sat on the potty for about 3 seconds before she was running to the door to go outside and "I see Kay!" When we got out there her friend was already inside, but she wanted to play with her sidewalk chalk. We hadn't been outside 5 minutes and she pooped in her panties. That was the only time she has done that. She went pee one last time about 9pm before bed and woke up a little after 12am. My first though was she will go right back to sleep. My second though was I should go and take her to the potty. So I jumped out of bed. Her pull up was dry and she peed. When she got up this morning at 6:20am I took her to the potty and she was still dry!
Here is Lilly on the potty with her stickers:
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