The Holman Household

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


.... that is one of Lilly's favorite words lately. Especially at bedtime. Too bad she isn't referring to her bed! She wants in our bed and has been teething so bad lately she has been ending up there for at least part of the night so we can all get some sleep. I can't wait this this last 15 month molar pops through and we can hopefully go back to normal for a while.

Other than getting no sleep Saturday night I had a nice Mother's day. We did miss church because we were so exhausted. Lilly and I curled up on the floor in the family room that morning. I took a nap while she watched Mickey Mouse. Brendan thought it would be funny to take a picture. We went to lunch at Yamato's with my parents, sister, and her husband. We spent the rest of the day relaxing. I got my Mother's day present early. A pair of wicker rocking chairs and cushions for the front porch. I love rocking while watching Lilly "color" with her sidewalk chalk in the driveway. This is one over her favorite things to do these days.

Brendan thinks he is going to be in big trouble when she gets a little older because she already points at things (especially clothes) and says "cute!". Hopefully this means I will have a little shopping buddy! Potty training is still about the same. I need to take a week and just focus on it and I may could have her trained for the most part.

We are hoping that the pool will be open very soon and we can spend lots of time there. That has also got me thinking that we really need to start eating healthier. Brendan and I have been off track lately. Don't get me wrong... we tend to like healthier foods in general... It's mostly the sweets! I think we are both addicted!

Did anyone else watch the Royal wedding? I didn't get up early to watch it, but when I got up at 6am Kate had just gotten down the isle and I got to see the ceremony. It wasn't something I thought I really cared much about, but I got sucked in! I thought her dress was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! I also like the idea of a real life fairy tale.