It has been so hot outside lately that it has been a task to keep Lilly entertained during the day. She loves to go outside, but I try to keep her inside until later in the evening. I have thought about taking her to the pool, but I worry about her getting sunburned so we usually go in the evenings. Thank goodness for my wonderful neighbor down the street who stays at home with her 4 year old little girl and 2 year old little boy. We switch off between houses for play dates a couple of times a week. They are all excited to play together and it gives us a chance to chat.
As usual we have been crazy busy lately. For example... Saturday Lilly and I left the house by 8:30am to take Brendan's car for an oil change and pick up a Birthday gift for a neighbors B-day party later in the day (I'm usually prepared in advance, but we didn't actually get the invite until Friday night.) From there we headed to the zoo for a Starbucks family day for the employees. Fortunately Lilly took her nap at the end of it since we left straight from there to get her to a Birthday party at 1:30. Next, (after a quick stop by the house to change) was my cousin's wedding at 4pm. It was a pretty wedding and the reception was really nice. Lilly had a blast dancing and seeing her distant cousins. You can see some of the pictures on my cousin's blog I had a great time too. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera all day because I was worried that I would lose it. I wished we could have stayed at the reception a lot longer, but Brendan already told a friend we would meet him at the Blowfish baseball game. We stayed for the whole thing because there was a firework show at the end. Lilly was not a fan of the fireworks! She wanted her Mama and was gripped tight to me the entire time. She was also so tired she fell asleep in the car before we even got out of the parking lot.
Lilly is now 21 lbs! I still haven't turned her carseat around because as long as she's content rear facing I think it's the safest. Her vocabulary increases daily. She also has quite a temper. Her new favorite snack is fruit snacks. She refers to them as "snack" She is constantly walking around saying "Where oh where is (fill in the blank)" Sometimes she moves the "is" to the end, but she is actually speaking in full sentences some of the time.
We took her to the beach memorial day weekend and she loved the beach! She wasn't scared of the ocean and loved filling buckets of sand an picking up shells. I did get a couple of pictures at the beach.
This Friday marks Brendan and my 5 year anniversary! He got me a new Coach purse and shoes last week, but he isn't good at waiting to give presents so I have already been using them. My Mom is going to watch Lilly for us so we can go out to dinner.
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