The Holman Household

Monday, July 12, 2010

First Word!

Lilly's first word is..... Mama! (actually more like Mmmmama!) She started making her mmmm noise last week and Friday I thought I heard her say mama, but I thought maybe I just imagined it. Then I was pretty sure I heard it again Saturday. Sunday she said it a couple of times but she always says is mmmmama. Brendan still wasn't sure about it until this morning when we were getting ready for work. Brendan was holding her and I was standing right beside them when she said it again. He finally had to admit that she was infact saying Mama! I felt bad for him because everyone told us that she would say Dada first. We will have to work on that now. She now waves all the time at everyone. I unfortunatly have to work a full week this week to fill in for someone. I hope she doesn't do anything new without me!

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