I now dread Birthdays because it means that I am getting older... Now I am half way to 50. My Birthday was this past Tuesday and we went to my parents for dinner and cake. I didn't expect much for my Birthday, but Brendan got me a beautiful necklace with a diamond key pendant and a cooler bag that I wanted. I also got money from other family members. I will probably have to use it to buy a new pair of running shoes and pay to sign up for the Charlotte marathon. I have decided that I just need to go ahead and register for the race in December so I will have to train for it. I should have plenty of time to get my mileage up by then. My brother plans to run the marathon also. This will only be my 2nd marathon, but Luke has run several now so he will be much faster than me. Since my sister lives in Charlotte now hopefully I can stay with her. Wish me luck with training!
Lilly started saying bababa Monday night, but she still mostly says Mama. No Dada yet. She also rocks back and forth when she is on her knees. She wakes up at night now and practices crawling and eventually gets so frustrated that I have to go in there to get her back to sleep so we can get some sleep. She can move herself around in a circle really well and backwards, but not foward yet. I'm sure she will figure it out very soon! My Mom showed the the trick of putting her back up against a wall to teach her to practice balance and she can stand that way for a couple of minutes. Here are some pictures:
Lilly with Granny (one of her Great Grandmothers)

Lilly trying to pull up in her crib

Lilly helping me blow out the candles
She is so cute Ashley!! Good luck training for the marathon! I didn't know Allison was in Charlotte now? What's she doing?
ReplyDeleteThanks! Allison Just moved up there in May/June. She is working at a Bank of America.