This morning we are going to My Gym. My sister-in-law is one of the owners of the 2 in town and asked us to come. I am looking foward to it because I think Lilly will really enjoy it and then probably take a really good nap! Tomorrow Mom's Time Out starts so I am a little nervous to see how she does in the nursery. I hope she will do fine and enjoy her time seeing the other babies. Then, tomorrow night is the first Gamecock football game of the season! GOOOO GAMECOCKS! We are looking foward to cheering the Gamecocks on as a family! Lilly's first game was the bowl game when she was just a few days old, but we didn't play so well. Hopefully this game will be better. Then, this weekend Lilly and I are going to the beach with my Mom, brother, and sister-in-law. Brendan is staying in town to dove hunt.
Lilly and Brendan watching the bowl game
She thought it would be fun to crawl in the bottom of her exersaucer:
Helping me "cook":
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