Lilly turned 9 months old yesterday! She has been out as long as she was in my tummy. I can't believe how big she is getting! She is good at standing by herself now and she continues to stand and keep her balance after she starts wobbling a little bit. I guess we will have a walker before we know it. Crying it out has definatly been worth it so far. She is sleeping much better at night. She usually cries for a couple of minutes when I put her down, but then is out for the night! Thank goodness! I was getting desperate for some sleep! Nap time she isn't doing quite as well. I have been trying to make sure that she doesn't nurse herself to sleep so we don't have a problem at night. She cries longer before her naps and sometimes I feel guilty and will get her to play a little longer. She actuall just woke up from a short nap a few minutes ago and is now asleep in my arms. Oh well... sometimes it is just nice to hold her. She is too busy when she is awake.
We are enjoying the cooler weather, but not the rain as much. It would be nicer to go on walks and runs now that it is cooler, but not in the rain. It is also a good thing because Lilly will soon be out growing her 6-9 month clothes and most of her 9-12 month clothes are for cooler weather. I am usually a summer girl, but I am ready for the fall now. I am looking foward to all the first holidays for Lilly. We have a cute pink butterfly Halloween costume for her. There really aren't a lot of great choices out there for babies, but at least next year there are a lot more possiblities! She has plenty of little Christmas outfits, but she still needs a good Thanksgiving one. We have started thinking a little about her Birthday and since it is so close to Christmas I think we are going to have her little party on her actual Birthday, December 28th. Right now the plan is to keep it small with some family and maybe a few friends. She really likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so we may go with a Minnie Mouse theme. I will update after her 9 month check up tomorrow. Wish her luck!
8 years ago
I'm so glad she is sleeping through the night! What a relief!:)