Lilly had her 9 month appointment September 30th. She weighed in at 18lbs., 2 ozs. (43%) and was 28.5 in. (84%), and her head was 44 cm (57%). She got one shot and a toe prick to check her hemoglobin. She didn't mind the toe prick at all and didn't cry too bad with the shot. Her iron levels were on the lower end of the normal range so her Dr. recommended a multivitamin with iron. That didn't suprise me because she still won't eat a lot of solids to get her iron. She does well to eat a half jar of baby food mixed with some rice cereal or baby oatmeal. Her Dr. was impressed with how well she is doing especially with her words. She knows cat, ball, puff (for her Gerber Puffs that she loves to eat), book, and bye-bye (usually while waving). She says Mama and Dada, but doesn't say it to call us. Since she already knows the 3 words they like by 1 year, she is supposed to work on 6 words by 1 year and walking. She does well standing alone now for about a minute before she slowly squats back down. She also walks all around the play pen and furniture while holding on with 1 or 2 hands. So I will probably be chasing her around even more very soon. She was cleared to start eating a lot more foods except for eggs, shellfish, peanuts, and round things she could easily choke on. I made shrimp and grits for dinner the night after her appointment so I let her try some plain grits. She wasn't too sure about the texture, but prefered to pick them up with her fingers to feed them to herself. She mostly just made a big mess for me to clean up, but I think she had fun. Poor thing didn't even get any cheese in her grits though so maybe she will like them better then.
Lilly feeding herself Bananas:

Lilly destroying her room:

Lilly trying grits for the first time:
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