Other news... She likes to fake cough and if you cough at her she will do it back. It is so cute, but she has also learned that it is a quick way to get attention if she doesn't have you full attention. We are also leaving for the beach tonight. My Mom, Lilly, and I are going down tonight and tomorrow night I am riding with my Dad to Charleston to meet Brendan. We are going fishing offshore Saturday, then Brendan and I will ride back to Beaufort Saturday night. It will be my first night away from Lily. This will be really hard for me so I am trying not to think about it too much yet.
Lilly will also be 5 months old on Friday! I can't believe how big she is getting!Tuesday night we let her try drinking water from a cup. She took a sip and then spit it all back out. I was just curious to see what she would do because I read that around 5 months they can learn to drink out of a cup. Last night we also let her try peas for the first time. I made them myself. It was really easy. I steamed the peas and then put them in a blender with her milk. She ate all that I gave her. At first she seemed confused by the new flavor, but quickly got the hang of it. I'm glad she seems to like her veggies!
Lilly sucking on her toes
I LOVE that bathtub!! So cute!! I remember when Winston did the fake cough thing...it's so funny. Next she might start growling and screeching at you :) We are a little late starting solids...but when we do feed him he doesn't seem to like to swallow it. We might try making our own too... good idea!