At the Forest Acres Festival
Yesterday I got up and made Brendan's lunch and started Lilly's laundry. Lilly woke up about 7am. I fed her and then we went for a run. We only went 2 miles, but when pushing her in a jogger it feels like double that! Then, she played a little and took her morning nap while I cleaned the house. When she woke up I took her to the grocery store. She has been teething, but she hasn't been too bad, up until the grocery store trip. She started making really loud noises and then when I was almost done she started crying. I had a cart full of groceries so I had to go ahead and check out. Her teeth were bothering her so bad that the only thing that would calm her down a little was to rub her teether on her gums. Of course when we got to the car she was quiet and happy again. I put some oragel on her gums anyways, though. She was a perfect angel the rest of the day! We played alot and she took a good afternoon nap and helped me cook dinner (well, she played in the exersaucer the whole time). We had a wonderful day! We are going to go swimming today if the weather cooperates!
Lilly riding in her little boat at the pool:
Last night was the season finale of "Chuck". Brendan and I don't have many shows we watch on a regular basis, but this is one. So much happened in the season finale that we are worried they were trying to end it like they tried to do last year. We hope that it will be back next season!
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