8 years ago
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Time for rice cereal!
Last night we decided to go ahead and let Lilly try rice cereal for the first time. I expected her to spit every bit of it back out after talking to other moms, but she surprised me. She didn't seem to mind the first bite (other than the strange texture) and I think she swallowed most of it. The next couple of bites she spit out at least as much as she swallowed, but it was a good start! We will try it again tonight to see if she gets used to it. My Mom and Grandmother kept telling me that it would help her sleep better at night. That may be why we were so anxious to try it once we got the okay. I don't know if it was because of the rice cereal or if it was because she was tired from her shots, but she slept better last night. She was asleep by 9pm and woke up once at 3:20am to eat (which the Dr. said is okay for her to eat once a night)and didn't wake up again until 7am! She was only getting up once a night most nights until about 2 weeks ago so hopefully this will be the new normal. Maybe she was getting too hungry and needed the rice cereal. I will post some pictures and maybe a video later. We are going to the Carolina baseball game tomorrow night and Saturday so I will have to take lots of pictures of Lilly's first Gamecock sporting event. I am also attempting to make a dress for her to wear to the game Saturday. Hopefully I will finish in time!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
4 Months Old!
This morning was Miss Lilly's 4 month appointment. I have been dreading it since the 2 month because of the shots. I am happy to say that she did MUCH better with them this morning and only cried for a couple of minutes. We gave her Tylenol right before, but I'm not sure how much she got because she kept spitting it out. Even the Dr. didn't have much luck. She now weight 14 lbs. 1 oz. (70th percentile), is 25 in. long (90th percentile) and her head is 41cm (75th percentile). She is really growing! The Dr. also said that she is very advanced and was impressed that she already tries to walk when you help her stand. We are so proud of our little girl!
I was a little worried that she may not want her Dr. to hold her because she has been funny around people she doesn't know lately. My Mom took her to her Great Mama's house Monday and she got to meet her great Uncle Wayne, but she cried when he held her and everytime he tried to talk to her. So much for her showing him how sweet and cute she is... We also got the okay to start rice cereal tonight so that should be fun. The Dr. also said that she should not eat more than once per night and to let her go back to sleep on her own when she wakes up the other times, even if she starts crying. Her Daddy thinks I should go in everytime she wakes up, so this should be interesting...
I was a little worried that she may not want her Dr. to hold her because she has been funny around people she doesn't know lately. My Mom took her to her Great Mama's house Monday and she got to meet her great Uncle Wayne, but she cried when he held her and everytime he tried to talk to her. So much for her showing him how sweet and cute she is... We also got the okay to start rice cereal tonight so that should be fun. The Dr. also said that she should not eat more than once per night and to let her go back to sleep on her own when she wakes up the other times, even if she starts crying. Her Daddy thinks I should go in everytime she wakes up, so this should be interesting...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Almost 4 Months!
This past weekend we went back to the beach with our friends April, Brad, and their baby Nicholas. The weather wasn't great but we made the best of it and got some cute pictures on the beach. I was worried that she was going to start crying when the water came up to her feet, but she didn't mind at all. She has just in the past week or two decided that she no longer likes bath time and since we were at the beach and the weather wasn't nice enough to go to the pool we decided she may like to play in the bath tub. It started out okay, but as soon as Brendan got her hair wet she quickly decided she was done as you can see from the pictures. I hope she will learn to like baths again soon!

First "walk" on the beach

Lilly and Nicholas

Thinking the bath may not be so bad...until...

Daddy got her hair wet and she decided he was DONE!

On the way home
Other things new... Sunday night while playing in her exersaucer she kept getting really mad and frustrated because she could not pull the ladybug off of the track. She get all bent out of shape and I would have to move her to a new section of toys. She also loves the remote! Watch out Daddy! We all went to dinner at Carrabba's last night for my Mom's birthday and Lilly thought the party was for her and kept playing with the cake box and wanted so badly to touch the cake. She also learned at dinner that she can scream to get attention. She thinks that EVERYONE's attention should be one her! She continued with the screaming this morning. She will scream when she's laughing and when she gets frustrated with her toys. While we think it really cute, hopefully she won't do this all the time because sometimes she gets really loud and others may not appreciate it.

She goes Wednesday for her 4 month check up and unfortunately shots. I look forward to finding out her actual weight and length. We estimate that she is about 14lbs and is about 2ft. long. We will see how close we are. I have been dreading these shots ever since her last ones at 2 months. It is so hard to see her so upset over the shots and know that there's nothing I can do about it. She has to get them for her own good. I hope she does a little better this time. She should be able to start rice cereal this week so we went ahead and got her a high chair even though we will probably start with her bumbo chair. Maybe this will help her sleep longer at night!

First "walk" on the beach

Lilly and Nicholas

Thinking the bath may not be so bad...until...

Daddy got her hair wet and she decided he was DONE!

On the way home
Other things new... Sunday night while playing in her exersaucer she kept getting really mad and frustrated because she could not pull the ladybug off of the track. She get all bent out of shape and I would have to move her to a new section of toys. She also loves the remote! Watch out Daddy! We all went to dinner at Carrabba's last night for my Mom's birthday and Lilly thought the party was for her and kept playing with the cake box and wanted so badly to touch the cake. She also learned at dinner that she can scream to get attention. She thinks that EVERYONE's attention should be one her! She continued with the screaming this morning. She will scream when she's laughing and when she gets frustrated with her toys. While we think it really cute, hopefully she won't do this all the time because sometimes she gets really loud and others may not appreciate it.

She goes Wednesday for her 4 month check up and unfortunately shots. I look forward to finding out her actual weight and length. We estimate that she is about 14lbs and is about 2ft. long. We will see how close we are. I have been dreading these shots ever since her last ones at 2 months. It is so hard to see her so upset over the shots and know that there's nothing I can do about it. She has to get them for her own good. I hope she does a little better this time. She should be able to start rice cereal this week so we went ahead and got her a high chair even though we will probably start with her bumbo chair. Maybe this will help her sleep longer at night!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Great Giveaway!
Check out Sweet Southern Prep for a great giveaway! This is a super cute and very "southern" blog with great tips! She is giving away Lilly Pulitzer playing cards with a beautiful case, O.P.I. nailpolish, and some cute earings! Fun Fact about the blogger: Before we were both married we had the same name. Here is a look at what she is giving away:

P.S. It ends April 28th so check it out now!

P.S. It ends April 28th so check it out now!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Lilly's Favorite Things
Lilly seems to change every day! She discovers new things and has really started to enjoy her toys more that she understands how to play with them. She also discovered her feet about a week and a half ago.
1)Her Exersaucer... The first 2 times we put her in it she cried and I was worried that she would never enjoy it. The next few times I had to help her play in it because she didn't understand how to make the toys move and play music and she couldn't reach everything. Then, one day I put her in and walked accross the room to pick something up and I turned around to see her playing away on her own. She loves it! It also makes it easier on me because while I am in the kitchen cooking or washing dishes she can play and I can still keep an eye on her.

2)Her FEET! This may be her favorite "toy" at the moment. She lays on her back and holds them all the time. She even "helps" change her diaper,but she doesn't want to let go so I fasten the tabs.

This past Friday my Mom (Grandmama) and My Grandparents (Great Mama and Great Daddy) took Lilly to the zoo. I know she had a great time. I can't wait to go again with her soon. We tried to go Sunday afternoon, but the parking was too bad. Saturday morning Lilly went to the river with me and I was able to get a run in. It is so much easier now that she can ride in the stroller.
Saturday night we went to dinner at Zoe's with our friend, Tad. Tad hadn't seen her since she was a few weeks old. We had a great time and Lilly tried to talk to Tad and gave him some big smiles! It was nice to be able to get together. I will post a few pictures once I add them to the computer.
1)Her Exersaucer... The first 2 times we put her in it she cried and I was worried that she would never enjoy it. The next few times I had to help her play in it because she didn't understand how to make the toys move and play music and she couldn't reach everything. Then, one day I put her in and walked accross the room to pick something up and I turned around to see her playing away on her own. She loves it! It also makes it easier on me because while I am in the kitchen cooking or washing dishes she can play and I can still keep an eye on her.

2)Her FEET! This may be her favorite "toy" at the moment. She lays on her back and holds them all the time. She even "helps" change her diaper,but she doesn't want to let go so I fasten the tabs.

This past Friday my Mom (Grandmama) and My Grandparents (Great Mama and Great Daddy) took Lilly to the zoo. I know she had a great time. I can't wait to go again with her soon. We tried to go Sunday afternoon, but the parking was too bad. Saturday morning Lilly went to the river with me and I was able to get a run in. It is so much easier now that she can ride in the stroller.
Saturday night we went to dinner at Zoe's with our friend, Tad. Tad hadn't seen her since she was a few weeks old. We had a great time and Lilly tried to talk to Tad and gave him some big smiles! It was nice to be able to get together. I will post a few pictures once I add them to the computer.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Lilly's first race (after being born)
This past Saturday morning Brendan's brother asked if we wanted to do the Palmetto half marathon or 5K since he was working it. I knew that I was in no shape to run a half marathon because I haven't been running as much as I would like, but we decided to do the 5K. I was nervous because I haven't run more than 2 miles since last Summer or Fall... sad I know. Since stroller were allowed Lilly got to go along for the ride. I pushed her a little past the half way point and then Brendan wanted to take over so I could go ahead since he wasn't feeling well from his allergy medicine. We all three finished the race and I won't even post my time because it is embarrasing, but it was under 30 min. and I did run the whole time. Maybe now I can get back into the swing of things and run more often now that she does fine in the jogger. The stroller we have is so easy to push and is very smooth riding. It is almost TOO smooth for Lilly because she likes to go over bumps in her other stroller. Since we had to get up so early I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures other than from the even website. I may have to order just 1.
One reason it was so hard to get up Saturday morning was because Lilly did not sleep well Friday night. She kept waking up and getting frustrated because she is trying to roll from her back to her stomach and she couldn't quite get it. When I walked into the nursery she was on her side straining to turn all the way over. She was able to do it Saturday morning when I was playing with her, but once she gets on her stomach she doesn't really like it. I am hoping she doesn't master the skill too quickly because that will be one more thing to worry about at night. I hope everyone has a good week and hopefully Brendan and I will get some more running in this week!
One reason it was so hard to get up Saturday morning was because Lilly did not sleep well Friday night. She kept waking up and getting frustrated because she is trying to roll from her back to her stomach and she couldn't quite get it. When I walked into the nursery she was on her side straining to turn all the way over. She was able to do it Saturday morning when I was playing with her, but once she gets on her stomach she doesn't really like it. I am hoping she doesn't master the skill too quickly because that will be one more thing to worry about at night. I hope everyone has a good week and hopefully Brendan and I will get some more running in this week!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Happy Birthday, Brendan!
Yesterday, Apirl 8th, Brendan turned 29! He is getting old! Just kidding... not that old, but when we met he was only 23 and although I thought that was old then in now seems very young. I made him french toast, turkey bacon, and coffee for breakfast in bed. It was my first time making french toast EVER! I was suprised at how easy it was and I don't think it turned out too bad. See...

He didn't want anything for his Birthday so it was hard to find something to get him. I decided on some new front and rear heavy duty Gamecock floormats for his truck since he needed new floor mats.

Brendan was out of school for the day so he got to spend the whole day with Lilly. This is Lilly a little before I left for work. I guess she played so hard she fell asleep in the middle of it.

When I got home from work last night we went to dinner at the Pizza Joint since it is right by our house and they have the BEST pizza and sandwiches. When we got home we had Birthday cake and just hung out as a family. Lilly helped Daddy blow out the candles.

Next year will be the big 3-0! I am thankful to have him as my husband and I hope he has a wonderful year being 29!

He didn't want anything for his Birthday so it was hard to find something to get him. I decided on some new front and rear heavy duty Gamecock floormats for his truck since he needed new floor mats.

Brendan was out of school for the day so he got to spend the whole day with Lilly. This is Lilly a little before I left for work. I guess she played so hard she fell asleep in the middle of it.

When I got home from work last night we went to dinner at the Pizza Joint since it is right by our house and they have the BEST pizza and sandwiches. When we got home we had Birthday cake and just hung out as a family. Lilly helped Daddy blow out the candles.

Next year will be the big 3-0! I am thankful to have him as my husband and I hope he has a wonderful year being 29!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Happy Easter!
We went down to Beaufort for Lilly's first Easter. Brendan has been dying to go to the beach since last fall, but between baby showers and being too close to my due date we haven't been since last Summer. I got off work Friday and Brendan was off so we went down Thursday night. My Mom rode with us and my Dad came down Friday morning. We of course also had Harley, Isabelle, and my parents 2 chihuahuas in the car with us. Lilly was so good in the car. She played for a little while and then fell asleep until we got there.
Friday, Brendan and my Dad went fishing and my Mom and I spent the day with Lilly and took her to the pool. We lathered her up with sunscreen and sat in the shade most of the time. I did take her over the the kiddie pool to dip her toes in, but she didn't like her toes in the water! The water was probably still a little cool even though it was almost 90 outside. It was so nice to have a full extra day with Lilly when I didn't have to spend getting the house cleaned and errands run for the week. Saturday Brendan and I took her into downtown Beaufort to walk around and shop. The weather was beautiful and Lilly fell alseep after a few pictures, but Brendan and I enjoyed the time together. Here are some pictures:

Lilly and me testing out the baby pool.

worn out...

Downtown Beaufort

Loves her Daddy!

Lilly sitting on the cannon

Smiling big for the camera!
Sunday morning we went to the Easter Sunrise Service on Hunting Island. The service was at 6:45am so it was a very early morning, but it was worth it because the sunrise on the beach was beautiful. Lilly was quiet and just looked around during the short service. The only bad thing were the sand gnats. They were everywhere and we had to keep Lilly covered so she wouldn't get bitten. When we got back from the service we gave Lilly her first Easter basket! She kept looking at it I guess because of all the bright colored toys. No candy this year! Brendan did get candy in his basket though so he was okay. All of this pollen has really gotten to me and I am limited as to what I can take. I am looking foward to the rain later this week and I usually don't like the rain. Here are some pictures from Easter Sunday:

walking to the sunrise service on Hunting Island

Family pic after the service

The Easter Bunny came!

Trying to sit up on her own
I hope everyone's Easter was as good as ours! God is good!
Friday, Brendan and my Dad went fishing and my Mom and I spent the day with Lilly and took her to the pool. We lathered her up with sunscreen and sat in the shade most of the time. I did take her over the the kiddie pool to dip her toes in, but she didn't like her toes in the water! The water was probably still a little cool even though it was almost 90 outside. It was so nice to have a full extra day with Lilly when I didn't have to spend getting the house cleaned and errands run for the week. Saturday Brendan and I took her into downtown Beaufort to walk around and shop. The weather was beautiful and Lilly fell alseep after a few pictures, but Brendan and I enjoyed the time together. Here are some pictures:

Lilly and me testing out the baby pool.

worn out...

Downtown Beaufort

Loves her Daddy!

Lilly sitting on the cannon

Smiling big for the camera!
Sunday morning we went to the Easter Sunrise Service on Hunting Island. The service was at 6:45am so it was a very early morning, but it was worth it because the sunrise on the beach was beautiful. Lilly was quiet and just looked around during the short service. The only bad thing were the sand gnats. They were everywhere and we had to keep Lilly covered so she wouldn't get bitten. When we got back from the service we gave Lilly her first Easter basket! She kept looking at it I guess because of all the bright colored toys. No candy this year! Brendan did get candy in his basket though so he was okay. All of this pollen has really gotten to me and I am limited as to what I can take. I am looking foward to the rain later this week and I usually don't like the rain. Here are some pictures from Easter Sunday:

walking to the sunrise service on Hunting Island

Family pic after the service

The Easter Bunny came!

Trying to sit up on her own
I hope everyone's Easter was as good as ours! God is good!
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