Lilly started out eating pretty well after a week of rice cereal and then when we started peas she did okay, but after a few days she decided that she really didn't like them! She makes the funniest face when she takes a bite of them. She has also started to not eat her rice cereal or oatmeal very well either. She lifts her head back as far as it will go so it's hard to reach her mouth. I made her sweet potatoes this past Wednesday hoping that she would like them better. She will eat them okay, but not great. She likes them better than anything else though. I do try to get her to eat her rice cereal because I've read that she needs it for iron since she doesn't drink fomula. She also drinks out of her sippy cup now by herself... sort of... I put a little water with some ice it in since she is teething and the cold water seems to help, but I think she drools out as much of the water as she drinks. I can't believe how big she is getting! We think she is now 15lbs! Here are some pictures from the week.
Spitting out sweet potatoes
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