We had a wonderful weekend! Brendan's parents got into town Thursday afternoon. When I got home from work, Brendan's parents and his brother's family were at our house for dinner. We had delicious Pizza Joint Pizza. Lilly got some new clothes and other little gifts from her Grandparents. She is going to be so spoiled! Friday, I was able to get off work at 12pm so we could all spend the day together. We went to lunch at Liberty because it is right under the hotel that Brendan's parents were staying in, but the service was terrible and it took over an hour to get our food! Fortunately Lilly was very good, but we probably won't be going back there again. They were nice enough to comp the cold food that was brought out. Next we took Lilly to the pool at the hotel to let her try it out, but she wasn't a fan of getting wet. We couldn't get a good picture because she was very interested in watching the light reflecting off the water.

Friday night we went to dinner at Rosso Trattoria to celebrate Brendan's Graduation. The food was excellent and I think everyone had a pretty good time. For graduation Lilly and I gave Brendan and picture frame that says: My prince did come, his name is Daddy and of course it had a picture of Brendan and Lilly in it.

Saturday morning we all went to Cason's T-ball game. It was such a pretty day and it was fun to watch the little kids play baseball. Cason had some good hits and stopped a ball in the field.
Here we are at the ball field:

Saturday afternoon we got Lilly a kiddie pool to play in. She wasn't so sure about it at first. She didn't mind standing in the water, but she didn't want to sit down or get too wet. She loved to stare at it though. Cason helped her to get used to it and learn that it isn't so bad and can actually be fun. We ended up putting her bumbo seat in the pool so she could sit without getting too wet until she gets used to it. I look foward to using the pool a lot more this Summer!

She also started actually liking her rice cereal. She will now open her mouth and eats pretty much all of it! I guess next week I will start feeding it to her twice a day. I am excited about starting vegetables at the end of the month to see what she thinks of them and see which ones she likes. I do not look foward to the diaper changes then because I've heard solid food makes it worse. I guess you have to take the good with the bad though...
Sunday was a very special day. It was my first Mother's Day as a Mother! Brendan was so sweet and thoughtful and took Lilly to "help" pick out my present. Brendan narrowed the selection down to 2 different pairs of Ruby earings and Lilly grabbed for one of the pairs so those are the ones he bought. I love rubies and he thought I would like some earings to match the ruby and diamond LeVian ring he have me for Christmas a couple years back. Rubies are also my birthstone. The earings are beautiful. They are similar to these, but they are in white gold with round rubies and antiqued settings.

Lilly's dedication was very nice, but she fell asleep right before we walked into the church. Oh well, at least a sleeping baby is better than a crying baby. After the dedication we went to lunch with my parents, grandparents, and my sister and her boyfriend, Chris. After lunch we went to the zoo with Allison and Chris. It was such a nice day for the zoo. It wasn't too hot and the breeze was nice. Lilly also slept through most of the zoo trip, but I did wake her up for the aquarium because she likes to look at the fish. Afterwards we just had a relaxing evening at the house. I hope all the other mothers out there had a wonderful Mother's Day! Here are some pictures from before the Dedication: