Last night Lilly really started walking more. She is now up to about 8 steps and doesn't hesitate to walk as long a her destination isn't too far away. Her top 2 teeth have finally popped through, too. My parents went on a cruise last Saturday and will be back Thursday. My Mom will really be suprised at her progress. We are also planning to go to the beach this weekend and meet up with some of Brendan's friends from work down there. It should be fun, but I do have to make myself run at least 18 miles one day while we are down there. I have really had a hard time fitting in my marathon training. It gets really boring running by yourself for hours at a time. I am hoping that my Mom will want to watch Lilly while I run and maybe Brendan can join me on a bike. Even if it's just for part of the run so it won't be so boring. I WILL RUN THE WHOLE MARATHON December 11th. I just know not to sign up for another one unless I have someone to train with and until Lilly is a little older so I don't feel guilty for being away from her for so long on the weekends. I am really looking foward to November and Lilly's first Thanksgiving!
8 years ago
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