Lilly has had fun this month! She was Cinderella for Halloween this year and she can even tell you that she is/was Cinderella. We took her to "Boo at the Zoo", a party for Mom's group at a church, The Saluda Shoals event, and of course trick or treating in our neighborhood. Once she learned what trick or treating was she was hooked! She still talks about trick or treating saying "I had fun trick or treating!" We walked around with our next door neighbors and left candy on the porch. I was suprised that the kids did not take too much candy because there was still some left when we were done. Of course we also carved a pumpkin and took Lilly to the SC State Fair. Once as a family and once with my Mom. When we went with my Mom my Dad met us there and we watched the elephant show (for the 3rd time) Lilly was so amazed by the elephants. My Dad got a picture for us with with elephant. Lilly was excited until right before they snapped the picture then she started getting a little nervous, but the picture still came out pretty good. It's not everyday you get to take a picture with an elephant and pet it...
Some of Lilly's favorite things:
Singing... she can sing about any song she hears a few times and loves to sing. Her favorites are "Jesus Loves Me" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
The Wiggles... We watch Sprout most mornings while she is eating breakfast and I got her a DVD to watch in her play room. She especiall loves the rock a bye your bear song that they do and can sing it and do all the motions.
Babies! Especially her baby dolls. She talks to them just like she is a little Mommy and feeds them, rocks them, and puts them to bed. My Mom was keeping her and her baby cousin Tinsley this week and my Mom was rocking her to get her to sleep and Lilly said she wanted to rock, too. So my Mom was going to attempt to fit her in the chair too, but Lilly said "No!" and went and got her little rocking chair and started rocking her baby doll. She even put her baby to bed when she was done.
blocks... she can entertain herself with her mega bloks for a long time building "castles". This comes in very hand in the evenings if there is a show on we want to watch without her getting into trouble.
ABC's... She sings them all the time and can identify at least half of the letters now. She likes to watch "Super Why" because they do a lot with letters.
Cooking... pretend cooking of course. She doesn't even have to have anything buy her imagination to cook a waffle for someone and take it to them. So Santa Claus has ordered her a kitchen set that came in last week and some food that she can "cut" and put back together. I think she is going to love it!
Here are some pictures from this month:
Boo at the Zoo
Cinderella with "Cinderella's Mommy" (what Lilly said I was)
Lilly and her friend next door before Trick or Treating
Lilly modeling her new outfit I made her.
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