Brendan's 30th Birthday was April 8th and we had a few friends and family over to celebrate. He didn't want to make a big deal out of his Birthday, but I decided to suprise him and invite a few people over for dinner. Of course he snooped around in my e-mail and ruined the suprise. We still had a good time though. Isabell also celebrated her Birthday on the 13th. She turned 7.
Lilly has been practicing for an Easter egg hunt in our yard. She was supposed to have on at Saluda Shoals today that our church usually holds. The weather was supposed to get bad so I kept checking my e-mail and the church website for details. There were no updates, so we headed to the park (it still hadn't rained). We got there and were told that someone had just come by to cancel it. Poor Lilly!
She had gotten all excied for nothing. Instead, she got to help me plant flowers.
Her vocabulary grows daily and she is so sweet. She has really started liking carrots and asks for them. She also LOVES "pee-pie" or pizza. Sometimes she even asks for it for breakfast and I have to talk her into something else. She has started climbing more, but hasn't tried to climb out the crib yet. I hope that day doesn't come for a long time.
Here are some pictures of Lilly and the new house:
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