Next, we went to my parents house. My parents, Grandparents (Mom's side), and my sister and her now fiance were all there. Yes, my sister got engaged for Christmas. She got a beautiful ring from a great future brother-in-law. We had a finger foods lunch complete with my Grandmama's chocolate delight and spiced tea. mmm mmmm! Then, we exchanged gifts. My parents gave Lilly a little disney princess rocking horse that is just her size, an activity table, elmo cell phone, other little things, and lots and lots of socks. Apparently my Mom thinks she needs tons of socks. She got some beautiful crocheted hats from my Grandmother and more money for her savings account. My sister gave her a cute daily block calendar and some cute outfits. She got a nice doug and melissa puzzle from her Uncle Luke and Aunt Alexa. Plus a genrous gift for her saving account. I think she will really enjoy having extra money put away for her future when she is older. After presents we said our good byes and headed home to let the dogs out before heading to Brendan's brother's house. Lilly really enjoyed spending time with her cousin Cason. He plays so well with her. They gave her a cute talking tea set that she already loves playing with, a talking camera, 2 books, and a baby that has a light up heart when you touch it. She loves babies!
We visited my Granny the Wednesday before Christmas to spend time with her and exchange gifts. She gave Lilly a cute book and stuffed animal and some money. Lilly had such a wonderful Christmas and has so many people that love her so much.
My Christmas was really nice, too! Brendan got me a new Citizen watch, my first pair of Costa sunglasses, a hat for running in the cold, a pair of shoes, and some clothes (that I helped pick out). The picking out the clothes was like a present, too! I don't get to do as much clothes shopping now and it is one of my favorite things to do.
Granny reading Lilly her new book:
Enjoying a ride from her cousing Cason
Coloring with Grandpa:
Checking out Santa's cookies:
Lilly all snug in her bed while visions of "puffs" danced in her head:
Coming out Christmas morning:
Playing in the snow the day after Christmas:
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