I can't believe our little baby is already 1! I guess she really isn't a baby anymore, but a sweet little girl. Brendan took off work so we could spend the day with her. We took her to Edventure Children's museum that morning and let her explore everything with a year pass we got her for Christmas. She really enjoyed herself and we really enjoyed watching her play and explore. We could tell she was getting tired so we left and got her a small cake to have with us. By the time we got home she was awake and not going back to sleep anytime soon, so we let her dig in to her cake. She touched it right away, but didn't eat it until I showed her it was okay to eat. Then she ate a little more. Brendan and I of course helped her eat it. Next, we took her to Toys R Us to use a gift card she got from her great Grandmother (Brendan's Nano). After debating between the talking purse set and a baby doll, we decided on the talking purse since she already has several babies. She really likes it. Not as much a my purse, but I guess that's just because she isn't supposed to play in it. We then went to my parents house and she got to see her Grandmama for a little while. For dinner we took her to Moe's Southwest grill and let her get her own kids burrito. She loved it and even got to try a piece of her cookie. I thought she would like it because she loves animal crackers and asks for a "kooki" when she sees them. Later that night she got into some of her presents so she got to open a few since it was actually her Birthday. She got a nice set of Dr. Seuss books from her Grandma and Grandpa, a rain jacket, a dinnerware set, and a puzzle from Brendan and I. She had to wait until her Birthday party to open her disney princess pajamas and baby doll that looks real. I will post about her party that was earlier today later.
Then next day, Lilly had her 1 year check up. She weighed in at 18 lbs., 6 ozs. (11%), is 29 in. long (49%), and her head was 45 cm (50%). I guess her growth rate has slowed because she only gained 4 ozs and grew 1/2 in. since her 9 month check up. Everything checked out fine and my poor baby had to get 3 shots and a toe prick. She sat very still and quiet for the toe prick and the 5 minutes it took to sqeeze out enough blood. She didn't like the shots at all and cried for a long time.
Here are a few pictures from her Birthday:

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