In other news... Lilly will now tell me "NO!" when she doesn't want to do something and refuse to do it. We were trying to give her a bath and she told us No and clinged to me. We tried a couple more times then just decided to wait until morning to try again. So, the next morning she told us no again. My Mom told me that we should put her in anyways so she won't think she can always get her way. Well, that didn't work out so well either. She immediately stood up stiffened her body and screamed until we picked her up. I ended up having to get in with her just to get ther to take a bath. The next day she decided she didn't want to get back in the carseat after we'd run a few errands. I had to end up giving her some puffs so I could buckle her. She is becoming Miss Independant most of the time, but others she clings to me and wants her "Mama". Since her 1 year Dr. appointment we have been trying to wean her from nursing to whole milk. She will drink the milk and doesn't mind the taste, but she just sips at it and still thinks she is supposed to nurse. I think we have made a little progress as she doesn't nurse quite as often during the day, but she got worse at night. She wouldn't let me put her to bed in her crib this week with out clinging to me and screaming crying. Brendan had to get up early for work so every night she ended up in the bed with us at some point. So last night we knew we had to reimpliment the CIO method. I hate it, but she has to get used to going to sleep again without nursing! It is really awful because she will call out Mama sometimes. She cried for about an hour last night, but once she got to sleep she slept until 6am. Which is much better than when she was in bed with us. Tonight she cried for about 30 min. and hopefully she will sleep well the rest of the night.
I have also been making Lilly some outfits. I figured out how easy it was to make pants for her and decided to figure out how to make her some bows instead of buying them. Here are some of the things I've made her:
Lilly actually made this Palmetto tree painting with her footprints and hand prints:
Minnie Mouse outfit I made:
Pants I made:
Zebra Print pants with Initial shirt I made (This is my fav. so far):