The Holman Household

Monday, May 11, 2009

First Dr. Appointment

Our first prenatal appointment was May 6 at 2:30pm. I was both nervous and excited for the first visit. I was nervous to see that everything was going okay and because of the blood work. Brendan went with me and the first thing we got to do was an ultrasound. That was so exciting! We got to see the first glimse of our little baby! Brendan says it looks like a bean. So, for now we are calling it Jelly Bean. We also got to hear the heart beat (121 bpm). Afterwards the nurse gave us a ton of information and answered all of our questions. At that point I was thinking I may be getting out of a blood test... but OH NO! That was the last thing. It was terrible! The nurse was about to show me the needle so I turned my head as quick as possible. Then she took 5 viles. I wasn't feeling so well by the time she was done, but I though I was going to be fine so we walked to the check out area to set up our next few appointments. That's when I started to pass out! I think Brendan was a little embarrased, but he was very helpful in getting me to where the Dr. told me to go lay down. Now, Brendan will take me seriously when I tell him I don't do well with needles. I am glad the appointment is over with and looking foward to the next ones to come.

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