Whew! It seems like July has flown by! I haven't updated in a while because my neighbor and I have been busy getting things up and running for our business, but I will cover that in another post! Lilly is really growing up fast! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel of potty training! The past several days she has done really well. She may have 1 accident and she has been staying dry most nights, too. (She is still in pull ups at night). We went to Mississippi to visit Brendan's parents 2 weeks ago for a week. I was worried how much damage that did with the potty training because she was in Pull ups every day and had plenty of accidents, but I can't say I was really focused on making sure we took her to the potty a lot because we were doing things all day every day. I was pleasantly suprised when by the middle of this week she was doing better than before going to Mississippi. Thank goodness! I'm sure in a week or two (maybe this week) I can say she is completely potty trained during the day.
I celebrated my 26th Birthday July 13th. Birthday are no fun anymore! I would be more than happy to stay the same age from here on out. I dread getting old. Brendan did get me an iPad for my birthday! It is wonderful. That is actually the reason that I haven't blogged lately. This sounds really lazy, but it's so easy to get on quickly that I dread waiting for the laptop to boot up. If I can find an app for the iPad so I can blog and upload pictures from it I will definately blog more often. If anyone knows of one please share with me!
We all had a wonderful time in Mississippi visiting Brendan's parents and eating a lots of nice restaurants. Brendan, his dad, and I went to the Hollywood Casino for about a half-hour while Lilly napped. I just played the penny slots... I played with $1 and left with $4.21! Too bad I'm not a big risk taker. Imagine if I had been playing with $100.. haha.
My sister is due to have her baby girl, Tinsley any time now. Her due date was actually July 29th (this past Friday). If she doesn't go into labor before, she will be induced This Friday, August 5th.
Some pictures from Mississippi: (NO! She did not ride on the motorcycle!)