Evelyn's dedication Sunday
Lilly turned 3 December 28th and is a very independant little girl. She had her 3 year check up at the beginning of January and the Dr. went ahead and did Evelyn's 4 month check up (10 days early). Lilly weighed in at 28 lbs (40th percentile) and was 36.75in. tall (43rd percentile). So she is just a little on the small side. Evelyn weighed in at 12lbs. 12ozs (50th percentile) and was 24.75in. long (90th percentile). I don't remember the exact head measurement and I am too lazy? to go find the paper, but it was 50th percentile. She has more than doubled her birth weight. Lilly didn't have any shots. Just the flumist a finger prick, but she cried more after the prick than Evelyn did from all 3 shots. Lilly's cholesterol levels came back on the high side of normal, but since it wasn't a fasting read or a draw from her arm there is no way to know the breakdown of good vs. bad. The only diet change we have really had to make is cutting way back on cheese. Lilly loves cheese so this was a challenge to start with, but she has gotten used to it now. The doctor was not really concerned, but said she would look at the numbers next year to make sure they are the same or lower.
since I am so far behind on posts I will just post some highlights from the holidays. Lilly's favorite Christmas gift was a Disney princess scooter and she wanted the bike for her Birthday. She is good at riding both, but the scooter is usually her favorite to ride.
Lilly was Belle for Halloween. Evelyn just wore her bear baby jacket.
I their turkey day outfits and mathing owl hats.
Lilly's 3rd Birthday and party at the Children's marionette theatre.
On her Birthday she got a Krispy Kreme snowman doughnut for breakfast, then a trip to Edventure and the regular museum. Lunch at Chipoltle (her favorite place to eat). Then bike riding time and finished off with dinner at California Dreaming with Grandma and Grandpa and a cupcake from Cupcake.
First Gamecock basketball game. Lilly fell asleep a few minutes into it, but Evelyn enjoyed looking around.
Evelyn's first trip to the beach on a warm weekend in January.
Lilly got her first haircut.
Lilly's first time at tap/ballet class
Evelyn sitting up well and first time eating real food
Lilly ready to plant a vegetable garden